Bone Cells
Imaging and Biomechanics
Please complete the attached form for sample processing and upload to core’s online requisition form: Spreadsheet file
- Description of services, fees, and policies
Harvesting mouse long bones and vertebrae
- JBMR guidelines for the assessment of bone microstructure using microCT
- Preparation for MicroCT scanning
- Preparation of samples for Osmium Tetroxide Staining
Histology & Histomorphometry
Tissue Preparation
- 4% PFA and 10% formalin fixative protocol
- Calcein injection protocol
- Consultation Service
- Decalcification of bone
- Embedding and sectioning of decalcified frozen sections Protocol
- Embedding and sectioning of fresh, non-decalcified frozen sections of mineralized tissue
- Paraffin processing, embedding, sectioning
- Resin processing, embedding and sectioning of non-decalcified mineralized tissue
- Staining: H&E, Trichrome, Safranin O, Von Kossa
In Situ hybridization probes
Questions? Please contact