Searching for members for New Directions Committee
The Program Directors of the Center for Skeletal Research would like your help in thinking about new directions, new areas of emphasis that the Center can consider moving into. Our Center is now about eight years old. While we have introduced a number of new initiatives in the last few years, there is always the danger that we might not be looking at current bone biology with the freshest perspectives. When the Center goes to NIH hoping to renew the grant (or in NIH terminology, apply again for a new grant), we are likely to have some changes in leadership and emphasis, and we want to make changes in the most thoughtful way possible. For this reason we would like to establish a New Directions Committee, with the mission of surveying the field and the capabilities in the Boston area to then come up with suggestions for modifying current cores or establishing completely new cores with new goals. If you would be interested in joining this effort, please let us know by e-mailing, and we’ll organize next steps.